Are psychedelics "narcotics"?
"Narcotics" are a legal term, not a medical or scientific one. This means that what is defined as narcotics changes in line with which substances the authorities believe citizens should be allowed to consume.
The term narcotics therefore includes all "illegal, intoxicating substances", often called "illegal drugs". In this sense, psychedelics are defined narcotics, along with most other substances the authorities believe the population should not have access to.
Etymologically, the term derives from the Greek word "narkotikos", which means "numbing". Originally, the term was used for agents that can cause narcosis, or deep sleep, and in a medical context first about opium, which is definitely numbing.
The fact is, then, that there is no scientifically defined category of substances called "narcotics". Thus, in our opinion, it must be up to each individual how they wish to relate to the state's superintendence regarding the possibility of going out and picking psychedelic mushrooms, and then consuming them with the intention of increased self-awareness and wisdom.